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Learn how to track your UNIQUE Progressed Moon Phase

Progressed Moon Webinar


Many know about the natal moon they are born with


Did you know you have a progressed moon that changes signs every 2.5 years! Yup!

This is one of the most important cycles to understand because it tells you what "flavor" or "pulse" or "rhythm" you are currently in.

And why do you need to know this you may ask?



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Without knowing this I see so many people not understanding their cycles so they end up blaming themselves and fighting against their own rhythm.

They say I "should" be doing this or that. However, once you understand your current Progressed moon phase so many things start to make sense!

"Oh that is why I'm feeling more introverted"

"That explains why I have been so much more outgoing than I've usually been"

Your Progressed Moon is UNIQUE to you!


Everyone on the planet has a different cycle they are in which is why it always goes back to your birth chart.

Not general horoscopes.

Your Progressed Moon shows your current deepest internal needs which are experienced unconsciously and how you approach the world.

AKA, why you feel the way you do and why you're doing certain things!

In this prerecorded webinar I walk you through STEP BY STEP on the following:

  • What your natal moon is/means for your soul & how it's different than your progressed moon

  • What your progressed moon is

  • How to pull up a progressed chart

  • Why the progressed moon is one of the most important and helpful ways to work with the Universal energy

  • How to find what sign your progressed moon is in

    *Bonus: I go through EVERY sign and tell you what the energy means for each Progressed Moon phase so that you can understand YOUR own cycle! Mic drop... :)

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Astrohack: Progressed Moon provided so much clarity for me regarding why my energy is being channeled the way it has been for a while and really gave me the freedom to lean into and explore what this cycle has to offer! I can’t thank you enough for creating these webinars for us - they’re each like a little (read: massive) trove of treasure! Already looking forward to the next one.

- Emma

I understand why I was feeling this intense energy the past few months. My natal moon is in Aries and the progressive moon is there too. Thank you for taking the time to make this! I took a lot of notes. I even drew up a little calendar for my progressive Moon cycles in the coming years.

- Aseyla

OMG! My whole life makes sense after watching the Progressed Moon Astro Hack. I see everything so much more clearly. I see the energies at play through different parts of my life going back through my more recent years (6ish) It’s so fascinating! I’m in awe! I’m one month shy of moving into Pisces from Aquarius energy. I’m excited! Can’t wait to go into the new energy consciously and see what this next moon phase will feel like! This Astro Hack was juicy! Thank you for making it Danielle Paige! I learned so much and I’m so excited to have a little more understanding of myself and my life!

- Dannielle B.


By the end of this 1 hour astro hack video you'll know what Progressed Moon phase you are in, for how much longer, and what that means for your SOUL's JOURNEY.

This is for you if you're:

  • Confused about why you're feeling what you're feeling
  • Intrigued with astrology and want to find out more about your current soul evolvement!
  • Obsessed with learning more about the cosmic energy and want to understand your soul blueprint! Yes please!




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